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Happy n got little sad d day~
Im BACK!!!
Friend's Super No.8- Ling Fang
Friend's Super No.7- Angelina(Yan Shin)
Friend's Super No.6- CCQ (Chun Qian)
Friend's Super No.5- Sin Yee
Friend's Super No.4 - Yi Jing
Friend's Super No.3 - Bong Bong(Josalyn)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cooking 心得
hmm... come update alr....
err.. hmm.... 2day i wan 2 write about my cooking 心得....
hehe... 2day my dinner didn't hav enough dishes, so I 大显身手, cook something 4 my parents...
u know how do i cook???
hmm... there's been a long long ago......
wahaha... come back la!! yor~ wad long long ago~ ==
hmm... wednesday, i went out with my friends marr... i said i bought a book called 『幸福的味道』
n inside the book hav some recipe, i took the most easiest dishes 2 cook 4 my parents....
i look while cook.....
then mar cook cook n cook lol... xD
then suddenly BOOM!!!
u crazy ah, if BOOM oh, how can i write my blog here le....=.="
okok, enough....
then guess my cook wad name is it???
call wad 满城尽带黄金甲... i transfer English see arr...
dun laugh arr...
whole the city bring yellow gold .... == 甲 dunno how 2 transfer la.... lolx...xp
who know's tell me la har.... ^^
n guess my dishes nice???
SURE nice wan larrr...xp
haha.. my parents about 10 minutes then finish liao lol.... xD
they say good ah....
i think not bad lah...
haha.... xD
yeah~ my cooking skills upgrade alr lol...
i wan 开 party, 香槟, n who wan present me 烟花爆竹 also can d.... lolz... xp
hmm.... give u all see my delicious, mouth-watering dishes...
my handphone no battery alr....
haiz... can't upload liao.. T.T
next time i update sure put wan...
trust me n wait me oh...
ok, that's alll....
time 2 sleep...
see ya~ =)

8:49 AM |